BOHEMIA MACHINE (Company Limited) was founded in 1992. Ini­tially, we sup­plied the nascent private utility glass grind­ing and cutting plants with glass-grind­ing and ‑cutting machin­ery and equip­ment. When this market reached sat­u­ra­tion, we turned our atten­tion to Czech glass­works under­go­ing trans­for­ma­tion. We expanded very quickly through­out 1993, and our port­fo­lio means that we are able to process custom-made orders right through to all-inclu­sive turnkey prod­ucts. Our current range of ser­vices includes: com­plete lines for treat­ment, storage, trans­port and mixing of loose mate­ri­als in various tech­no­log­i­cal pro­duc­tion plants. For the glass indus­try, we focus on glass batch pro­duc­tion and cullet man­age­ment lines. Given that each glass­works is unique, we process many orders as cus­tomised pro­to­types.

After 2002, there was a sub­stan­tial drop in invest­ment in both Czech and Euro­pean glass­works, so we turned our atten­tion to a similar line of indus­try – civil engi­neer­ing, using our tech­nol­ogy and expe­ri­ence in the field of raw mate­r­ial (espe­cially sand) treat­ment and pro­cess­ing. We have made our name in this field, espe­cially as a sup­plier of tech­no­log­i­cal lines for the pro­duc­tion of dry mortar mixes (Q‑Mix, Hasit).

Bohemia Machine s.r.o. has also been involved in pre­ci­sion flat grind­ing of glass since 1996, which has since been extended by pro­cess­ing our own pro­mo­tional and gift glass prod­ucts. Since 2002, our company has also been pro­vid­ing machine- dec­o­rated utility glass­ware, which is offered to our busi­ness part­ners as a kind of service. Machine glass cutting is real­ized with auto­matic glass-cutting machines Pöting, and 2008 saw the emer­gence of our own auto­matic machines BM JACK for this. BM JACK is a new gen­er­a­tion, auto­matic glass-cutting machine that is suit­able for both small private glass-cutting houses and larger cutting plants as well. For more infor­ma­tion, see BM JACK page.

We have set the main direc­tion of our devel­op­ment for the future, i.e., pro­vid­ing high quality prod­ucts ori­ented espe­cially at machines and tech­nol­ogy for the glass indus­try, the build­ing indus­try, and other indus­trial fields. In the glass-pro­cess­ing sector, we are focus­ing on the grind­ing of optical glass and glass dec­o­ra­tion. To improve our current range of ser­vices and raise the com­pet­i­tive­ness of our product, we are intro­duc­ing a quality control system that com­plies with Czech stan­dard ČSN EN ISO 9001.

We are also involved in the real­i­sa­tion of art projects. We col­lab­o­rate with a number of known Czech and foreign artists, and are cur­rently working with Hauser and Wirth Zurich, Encore Glass Cal­i­fornie, Pace Wilden­stein Galéry, and Jud­is­tka Teatern Stock­holm. Among the glass artists col­lab­o­rat­ing with us, we can name Karen Le Mont, Charles and Con­stan­tint Parriot, Richard Jakson, Ann Wahlstrom, Olgoj Chor­choj, Fran­tišek Janák, and Fran­tišek Vízner.